8 simple things you can do to make the world a better place.
CNA | Inglês Definitivo

Smile to people.

Smile to people.

Be polite: always say please, excuse me and thank you.

Be polite: always say please, excuse me and thank you.

Respect public spaces. They belong to everyone.

Respect public spaces. They belong to everyone.

Don’t cheat. The rules apply to all.

Don’t cheat. The rules apply to all.

Don’t justify your bad actions with bad actions of others.

Don’t justify your bad actions with bad actions of others.

Always believe that one person CAN make a difference.

Always believe that one person CAN make a difference.

Do not tolerate any form of prejudice.

Do not tolerate any form of prejudice.

Be kind to our planet. It’s the only home we ever had.

Be kind to our planet. It’s the only home we ever had.